This week, Richard Reeves, the Managing Director of the UK’s Association of Online Publishers (AOP) talks to us about the progress on their Ad Quality Charter, what the lack of barrier to entry to publishing online means for premium online publishers, and how Facebook and Google engage with the association’s member publishers. He also explains what he made of Jonah Peretti’s suggestion for a mega-merger of online publishers.
In the news round-up we discuss the future of news on smart speakers, the reported failure to launch of YouTube Red, and give a plug to The Correspondent.
In our own words: Esther Kezia Thorpe
One of the great strengths of the Association of Online Publishers is the industry steering groups it holds each quarter, where member publishers come together and discuss the various challenges and opportunities they’re facing, whether that be in commercial, B2B, product development, ad ops and more. As a result, Richard and the AOP team get a unique level of insight into the day-to-day workings of publishers, and can use that as a starting point to put into place practical support.
Of course, this also means that Richard has a vast amount of knowledge when it comes to the nitty gritty of advertising and cookie laws, as well as some strong opinions on quality publishing. This interview was originally 50 minutes long, and it was a real struggle to cut down because not only did he answer the questions in great depth, but he also ensured that he’d clearly defined what he meant by many of the more technical terms he was talking about. If anyone would like the full interview, drop me a line.
Otherwise, that’s it from the Media Voices team until the New Year, where we’ll be back with more interviews with leading lights in media, and our signature news round-up. We’re absolutely sincere when we say we’d love listener input, particularly suggestions of people who may be doing really interesting things who are a little less visible on the industry stage.
Thanks as well to every one of you for your support. Merry Christmas!
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