This community has been set up by Media Voices to bring together media and publishing professionals in a collaborative environment. We don’t want to overburden you with rules, but there are a couple of guidelines we expect everyone to adhere to in the interests of keeping the discussions constructive.
1: Don’t be a dick!
Fairly self-explanatory…if you wouldn’t say it to someone’s face, don’t say it online. We’re all professionals here and anyone being rude or abusive to others may be banned. Please be thoughtful, respectful, and courteous.
2: Respect confidentiality
The community’s posts and content are restricted to registered users only as there is real value in being able to be honest and frank. We screen registrations to reduce spam but if you wish to join under a pseudonym that’s fine. Please respect those who do or don’t wish to share real names.
This community operates under the Chatham House rule. This means you can use the information from any discussions here, but the identities and affiliations of participants must not be shared outside of this forum. Most importantly, please do not screenshot or share publicly the contents of posts. Anyone found to be doing this will be banned.
3: Stay on topic
This community is for professionals in media and publishing. Posts on non-media topics are welcome in the relevant forums, however please keep them respectful and free of service selling. If you see anything which causes offence or have any issues, drop the team a line on news [at], or you can reach us individually here.
The community is in its early stages so we may update these guidelines as we go along with feedback. Thank you!
All good – take me back to the community (please)