It’s not often we get to say it, but a new women’s print magazine hits newsstands today!

Platinum magazine is the latest glossy on the market, with what has been described as ‘the biggest women’s magazine launch in over a decade,’ according to publishers DC Thomson. 250,000 copies of the first edition are being printed and distributed throughout the UK.

It is the target demographic which sets this launch apart from many other glossy magazines. The title is focusing on women over 55, following research that found two-thirds of this demographic said they felt misrepresented by the media.

“Women in [this] demographic are in the prime of their lives and having the time of their lives – a force to be reckoned with and the glue that holds generations together,” said DC Thomson’s Head of Magazines Maria Welch. “They are both committed magazine readers and powerful consumers.”

Platinum will bring new travel destinations, the latest style inspiration, health tips, financial advice and technology columns to this key demographic, and is aiming to become their must-read monthly.

The magazine is hoping to steer clear of many of the negative stereotypes that perpetuate the media around mature women. Editor Ali Kirker emphasises that Platinum is “for women who are up-to-date in both style and attitude, confident, engaged and interested in exploring the world around them.”

The title won’t shy away from tackling contemporary, challenging topics, with the first issue exploring self-worth with cover star Julie Walters.

Read the rest of this article by Esther Kezia Thorpe on What’s New in Publishing…

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