Amidst the backdrop of record heat across Europe and ecosystem destruction globally, newspapers and broadcasters are gradually ratcheting up their climate coverage. Chris Sutcliffe rounds up...
Collectives and activists drive a year of change around climate reporting
For our latest season of the Media Voices Podcast, kindly sponsored by Poool, we’ve published ten episodes exploring the biggest trends of 2022 and how they affect publishers;...
Special: Key findings from the Reuters Institute’s Digital News Report 2022
In this special episode of Media Voices, Chris, Peter and Esther comb through the Reuters Institute's Digital News Report 2022 to pick out the key findings for publishers. This year's report...
Global Director of Internews’ Earth Journalism Network James Fahn on why everyone should be a climate change journalist
This week’s interview is with James Fahn, Global Director of Internews’ Environmental Programs and its Earth Journalism Network. Internews trains journalists...