Amidst the backdrop of record heat across Europe and ecosystem destruction globally, newspapers and broadcasters are gradually ratcheting up their climate coverage. Chris Sutcliffe rounds up...
Independent Digital News & Media Chief Data and Marketing Officer Jo Holdaway on the importance of data to publishers
This week, we hear from Jo Holdaway, Chief Data and Marketing Officer at Independent Digital News & Media - home of The Independent and The Evening Standard. She talks about what sort of data...
Transcript: Rasmus Kleis Nielsen, Director, Reuters Institute
Interviewer: Chris Sutcliffe
Chris Sutcliffe: To begin with, I'd like to ask you about a Twitter thread that you took part in earlier in the week, which...
Wessenden Marketing’s Jim Bilton on how the pandemic has impacted newspaper and magazine retail
This week we talk to Jim Bilton of Wessenden Marketing, who does research around media supply chains. He tells us about how the pandemic has impacted newspaper and magazine retail, about who might...
The Reuters Institute’s Nic Newman on bias, bullshit and lies in the news
In this week's episode Nic Newman, Visiting Fellow at the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, takes us through his and Dr. Richard Fletcher's latest report, entitled